Aley-Rijmeh trail

Aley-Rijmeh trail

Jan 16, 2012

Mechref Exploratory Trail Ride 05-02-12

  • Dear Riders,

  • You have been waiting for it for more then two weeks now!!! Glad to hereby post again the Exploratory Trail ride in Mechref for this coming Sunday 5th of February. Our ride will be on a new trail that I explored some time ago :) This new trail has a peculiar character to it, it will take us to a Lebanese village "Kfar Matta".

  • Hopefully the weather will not give us any surprises, and we will be going for a ride on this trail on Sunday 5th of February. This ride is suitable for Intermediate to advanced levels.

    Date: 5 February, 2012 (Sunday)
    Start: Meshref club at 9:00 am (Please contact me for directions)
    Riding hours: 3-4 hours
    Snack: 11:00am (picnic style)
    Finish:13:00pm - 14:00pm
    Riding level: Intermediate to Advanced (rider should have a firm seat, is confident and in control at all paces including posting trots, canters and gallops).

    Notes: This ride will only be confirmed if two or more riders are joining.
    Trip details:
    We will take the horses from Meshref and start our ride uphills to reach the start of our trail. the trail will take us through pine trees and other natural beauties until we reach Kfar Matta. We will have a break and take our snack along the way before heading back to the club.
    Two of our horses will be tacked with 2 side pockets in which we will pack our snacks, water and safety kit.
    Note: Depending on the group, the time and the weather we might adventure in exploring together a side trail that goes downhills to the river.

    What to bring with you:
    1- Helmet (obligatory, you can use one of those available at the club)
    2- Riding gloves (recommended)
    3- Jacket
    4- Banana to fit your personal stuff would be useful
    5- Short riding boots with mini chaps OR long riding boots OR any boots you are used to for riding

    Trip cost: 85$ per rider

    Friday 3rd of February is the last day for reservation; those who wish to join please make sure to confirm before then by e-mail or by telephone to the undersigned. You are also kindly requested to complete and send the attached booking form.

    Upon confirmation, please make sure to inform us if you have health issues that we should be aware of (allergy, diabetes...) and kindly note that we would need you to sign an indemnity agreement before taking the trip; if you wish to review it please ask us for a copy.

    * This trip is not insured, we suggest that each rider has his own appropriate insurance.
    * Depending on weather conditions the trip date might be postponed and we reserve the right to alter the trail details as we deem necessary.
    * We will have to confirm your reservation after you register for the trip depending on space availability

    Looking forward to having you along in a great adventure!

    Nayla Jaber